The Summer Concert

It's been  a month  since the last concert . Since then I am happy to see the growing  curiosity, interest, and support  that the concerts and the piano are creating . People here are just getting used to going out again since the lockdown and everything kind of  seems like it's getting back to normal  but...…. without museums, concerts, theatres , movies , and of course live music  or what little that was left from even before the lockdown. It's sort of like culture and entertainment  are still under lockdown or in the twilight zone , or somewhere..... and  is sorely missed . I notice it  when I see  people  walking by while I am playing  and they will just stop and listen , take a peek through the window and even applaud while I am playing . I'm  glad that the music's appreciated .  And I'm glad that our second concert was appreciated as well. The norms  during this epidemic  were the same for this concert  with masks and gel in place. We continued with the duo format. Jose Lopez on guitar , and myself on piano  and an audience of 11 wonderful people . . . It was an evening  of  all new songs. Songs like Horace Silvers Strollin , Green Dolphin Street ,Jobim's Triste  mixed in with some originals this time . A beautiful waltz of Jose Maria Lopez  tittled  Zippy Zappy  as well as my on Samba feel  BlueTune . A nice hour of solid music. 

 Afterwards we went around the the corner to the Gato Jazz Creperie  for a round of drinks !!!   Once again my appreciation to all who came and supported  this concert.

I just want to add that house concerts are nothing new in the history of Jazz and Blues . For example the great Boogie Jazz Pianist  Jimmy Yancey and his wife Mama Yancey used to open the door to their Chicago Home and host incredible concerts.  And  the Harlem Rent Parties of the 20's which launched the era of the the great Harlem Stride Pianists.  Once again it seems that "Everything Old is New Again " !!

Will keep you posted on future concerts . Wishing everyone a healthy, happy , and wonderful summer


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