I cant believe my blog got wiped out so I will write it again. The Covid Curfews continue and so are the concwerts . i am so appreciative that Antonio Ortiz agreed to present his Flamenco Improvisations  as well as the  music lovers who came in spite of  the torrential rain . And 5n one absolutely no one was dissappointed in this spontaneous improvisations based on Flamenco , Mid  Eastern influences as well a dose of Blues and other influences . Yours truly  was inspired and played a composition as well . Check out the videos and hear for your self . Other new news is that i picked up[ a  camera and  will be recording the concerts as well as doing some streaming if i figure it out . And that would be another good reason to sign up because that would be the best way to let you in on the future events . These are strange times indeed and the concerts are improvised as well. Even more good news is that i will renovating the piano so it will sound and play even better than ever and  who knows who will be stopping by and playing this instrument . Anyway thanks for reading this . Enjoy the videos  and get the word out , especially if you like what you hear. Much appreciated . Take care and be safe . Michael

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