Dec 4th Sound and Image Trio Concert + The Debut of the new Videoclip!!!!

After an absence of activity in November I was finally able to present a new artistic direction with the Sound and Image Trio consting of Patricio Musalem (images) Bosco Prado (percussion) and your host on the piano.  
Even though it was a one off experiment, it is something I hope to develop and take to the next level.   
The set consisting of an hour of images divided into 5- 10 minute segments  beginning with the universe and wound up with a  with walk around the nieghborhood and ending with the blooming  of a flower. The images along with the music made quite an impression on the audience of 19 and was favorably received. After the concert we had a slight pause and aperitivo and continued with the debut of our video clip Morbid Desolation with images by Patricio and  a newly mastered version of the music. We offered the link to all who came and will offer it to anyone who joins the mailing list between now  and the end of January.  Thanks for reading and Happy Holidays!!!!!!

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