The first concert of 2024 was in February , before Valentines Day and before the CARNAVAL DE CADIZ which IS  the big event and fiesta here. January was hectic and so once again at the last minute  I made phone calls and organized this event . I was so happy when Juan Sainz agreed to play here not only is he sort of a legend here and I love playing with him because he adds a bit of philosphy to anything he plays . Something extra!! But werarely get the chance to play and there isn't a lot of room here so armed with a cymbal and snare  I got to be part of a wonderful trio and perform my arrangements as well.   And I cant forget to mention the wonder electric bass of Javier Bermudez who has been helping me make this music come to life  over the years. The set was full of suprises and music came alive . The audience responded favorably and it was a great way to start the , year a bit late but great!!!! You can see a clip of our  first song Alice in Wonderland here: 


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