IT'S 2021!!!!!!

It is 2021 and the third wave of COVID -19 cases are on the rise at an alarming rate as predicted . Here in Cadiz more small busineses , cafes , and restos  are voluntary closing  as a saftey  precaution and will not open until the figures come down . The prestigious Carnival de Cadiz has been suspended and here at the Music Emporium it is really not ta good idea  to give concerts . Just not worth the risk , for now  . But I am still reaching out trying to connect. I recently got the piano tuned and posted a performance on my FB page  and the response was excellent . Hopefully i will do more of that and possible a monthly streaming. Anyway that is the best that I can do with what I got and given the current situation . It's a small community here but I want to thank those who  have been interesting and showing up for the concerts and I would like to see more people signing up just so that we can keep in touch . Also if anyone has any ideas . I would love to  host some some sol piano classical concerts , especially a concert of works by Manuel De Falla  and other composers from Andulasia. 

Keep healthy and hope to hear from you soon .   All my best , Michael

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