You would think with all the time on my hands that writing a monthly blog would be easy. But it's not . There are distractions and things to do , and promises to keep.  I am writing this the day after Spring and the weather is lovely. here in Cadiz.  Lot's of sun ! Ok some days are chillier than others , but then  again that's Spring!!! The COVID levels are low , the shops and terraces are extending there hours  and people are still distancing......... and coming out .  It's been a while since my last concert (November) but that doesn't mean that I've been inactive . I had the piano worked on  and it being prepared to do a series of very special concerts.  And  quite a few musicians have come over to pay a visit and play . I was glad to see Manu Sanchez, Tony Barbara, Manolo Parfumo, and Antonio Ortiz . Also I revised  quiet few of my compositions  ( 22 of them )  and want to play and share them . And so I will be having a small concert on the 28th of March at  7pm . If your interested sign up and I will contact you.   Very limited seating still !!! And I hope to have more concerts  and more collaborations with the creatiate artists, photographers , and film people here .  Hope your well. If you like this , please tell your friends and tell them too!!!

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