The July Alt Festival

We had our first Alternative fesival in July with 3 seperate concerts featuring 3 distinctive styles of music Jazz, Folkloric, and improvised Classical. The ideas  was as much spontanneous as it was outrageous and it worked!!!! With an attendence of over 50 people for the 3 days at entrance fee of 10 Euros we were able to introduce musicians and there music to a wider audience in  an intimate enviorment . More important  was that all the musicians were paid directly  from their public via the entrance fee. I kicked off the first concert with my trio with Peru on contrabass and Caba Villoslada o drums , Two days later The folkloric duo of Rebolda , featuring the voice of  Irene Sorozábal  and  pianist Adrián Moncada who came from Madrid and mesmorrized the audience with their modern interpretations of medeval Sephardic songs . The last day was a brillant solo perfomance by composer/pianist Manu  Sanchez Garcia who improvised cannons, sonatas , rondos,and fugues and even taking a request to improvise something in the style of  Shostakovich . These concerts created a lot of good vibes and goodwill in the community and looking forward to making this an annual event .

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