The Sept 11 Concert

Just the date brings so many things to mind . The fall of the World Trade Center attack  in NY  as well as the Diada which commerated the fall of Barcelona in 1714 whichs also an emotionally/politicaly  charged day.  In Cadiz  howeverit was a  Sunday and a rare opportunity to play with my friends Tony Barbara on tenor sax and Bosco Prada on percussion . This concert was well attended an was good to see new faces present as well . As is the tradition  of these concerts they are hastily prepared  with a majority of new material to play creatingn element of risk and spontaneityAnd you could  feel the sense of exitement from performing music for the first time in public. Highlights of the concert were Wes Montgomery's Road Song, the Beatles Here, There and Everywhere with Tony on flute, Rosita Lee a sort of Coleman Hawkins classic. And there was no better way to end the concert than with Sonny Rollin's calypso  classic , St. Thomas . what a wonderful coincidence  because that Sunday  celebrated the jazz masters 90th birthday!!!!!

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